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Today's waxing crescent moon is 40% of full brightness, and is currently 375,988 km from Earth and 148,177,492 km from the sun. It's been 6 days since the last new moon.

Today's waxing crescent moon is 33% of full brightness, and is currently 379,049 km from Earth and 148,201,415 km from the sun. It's been 6 days since the last new moon.

Today's waxing crescent moon is 30% of full brightness, and is currently 380,621 km from Earth and 148,213,445 km from the sun. It's been 5 days since the last new moon.

Today's waxing crescent moon is 24% of full brightness, and is currently 383,800 km from Earth and 148,237,640 km from the sun. It's been 5 days since the last new moon.

Today's waxing crescent moon is 21% of full brightness, and is currently 385,388 km from Earth and 148,249,806 km from the sun. It's been 4 days since the last new moon.

Today's waxing crescent moon is 16% of full brightness, and is currently 388,516 km from Earth and 148,274,268 km from the sun. It's been 4 days since the last new moon.

Today's waxing crescent moon is 13% of full brightness, and is currently 390,039 km from Earth and 148,286,565 km from the sun. It's been 4 days since the last new moon.

Today's waxing crescent moon is 9% of full brightness, and is currently 392,964 km from Earth and 148,311,285 km from the sun. It's been 3 days since the last new moon.

Today's waxing crescent moon is 7% of full brightness, and is currently 394,351 km from Earth and 148,323,709 km from the sun. It's been 3 days since the last new moon.

Today's waxing crescent moon is 4% of full brightness, and is currently 396,942 km from Earth and 148,348,681 km from the sun. It's been 2 days since the last new moon.

Today's waxing crescent moon is 3% of full brightness, and is currently 398,134 km from Earth and 148,361,228 km from the sun. It's been 2 days since the last new moon.

Today's new moon is 1% of full brightness, and is currently 400,286 km from Earth and 148,386,443 km from the sun. It's been 1 days since the last new moon.

Today's new moon is 1% of full brightness, and is currently 401,238 km from Earth and 148,399,109 km from the sun. It's been 1 days since the last new moon.

Today's new moon is 0% of full brightness, and is currently 402,871 km from Earth and 148,424,559 km from the sun. It's been 0 days since the last new moon.

Today's dark moon is 0% of full brightness, and is currently 403,548 km from Earth and 148,437,341 km from the sun. It's been 29 days since the last new moon.

Today's waning crescent moon is 1% of full brightness, and is currently 404,607 km from Earth and 148,463,019 km from the sun. It's been 29 days since the last new moon.

Today's waning crescent moon is 1% of full brightness, and is currently 404,986 km from Earth and 148,475,914 km from the sun. It's been 28 days since the last new moon.

Today's waning crescent moon is 3% of full brightness, and is currently 405,435 km from Earth and 148,501,810 km from the sun. It's been 28 days since the last new moon.

Today's waning crescent moon is 4% of full brightness, and is currently 405,503 km from Earth and 148,514,812 km from the sun. It's been 28 days since the last new moon.

Today's waning gibbous moon is 68% of full brightness, and is currently 381,818 km from Earth and 148,824,317 km from the sun. It's been 20 days since the last new moon.

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